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Meet our employees: Atle Hålien – Technician/Pilot

Where did the interest for drones begin?

My interest in drones and aviation began at an early age. I started with model airplanes and transitioned into drones with small indoor drones, and from there on to more advanced outdoor drones. Before joining Nordic Unmanned, I worked as a technician on Sea King and SAR Queen-helicopters.

How is it like to be a pilot during a world-wide pandemic?

Travelling for work during the Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging, especially since there are less flights available. The company has been a great support in interpreting the different rules and booked tests, flights etc., so I have always gotten where I am supposed to go. I have done many covid-tests, as most flights/vessels/sites requires testing before entering. My record so far is 7 covid-tests for one trip.

Working at Nordic Unmanned is an adventure. Since I started in 2019, I have worked in 11 different countries and cooperating with people from other countries gives you a view of things that you do not get in any other way.

Atle Hålien

What is the best part of being a pilot?

The best part of being a pilot is that you get to experience new things by travelling around Europe and meet exciting people. Watching the sunset from a vessel after a busy day of flying is a good feeling.

How do you find working at Nordic Unmanned?

Working in Nordic Unmanned has been an adventure. Since I started in 2019, I have worked in 11 different countries! Working with people from other countries gives you a view of things that you do not usually get in any other way. I have always felt welcome in Nordic Unmanned and I am proud to be a part of a so forward-looking, professional and supportive team.

We look forward to the rest of 2021 with Atle on our team!